Make your homeahabitat
Every animal is unique –whichmeans that every animal will need a unique environment inorder to call a habitat a home.Whenwe share our homeswithpets,
it is important that we try tomeet their needs. Here are some startingpoints formaking your home a good habitat for rabbits, cats anddogs.
• Create abunny safe room and let rabbits out of their cage for a fewhours eachday formental
and health stimulation
• Apaper towel tube stuffedwithgrass hay is a fun toy that’s easy tomake andgood for abunny’s teeth
Cats are hunters and their play behavior is basedon the hunting instinct —give themplenty of toys
to stalk, chase andpounce on
• Provide a sunnywindowwith a secure screen, or a “catio,”where your cat canwatchoutdoor
activity from inside safely
• Provide an easily accessible litter box and clean it daily to ensure your cats use it
• Consider growing kitty grass indoors so your cat can “graze” safely inside
• Dogs oftenbark because they arebored
• Walk your dog safelywith a leashon a regular basis
• If you leave, try to leave the radioor TVon so they donot feel alone
Key items to remember for pets
• A veterinarian is thebest source of informationon your pet’s health, diet andbehavior
• Pets cannot tolerate heat verywell, sodon’t leave them in the car on awarmor sunny day
• Spaying/neutering is one of thebest forms of being a responsiblepet parent
• Update yourmicrochip contact information
• Tagging your pet is not only the law, but itmakes it easier for pets tobe returned safely home
by friendly neighbors or officers
• Above all, care andplaywith your pets, cats anddogs are social animals that love and need attention
Find anew friend inour “critter room” thismonthand receive
50percent off all fees* at TheSeattleAnimal Shelter and
Regional Animal Services of KingCounty!
Wecare formore than just dogs andcats.Wehave anentire
volunteer team and adoption roomdevoted to the careof lost
and abandoned critters — rabbits, guineapigs, birds, reptiles,
Comeondown to visit our critter room andgiveoneof our
critters a caring forever-home! Crittersmakewonderful pets
—we’d love tohelpmakeaperfectmatchand find the right
critter for you.
*Receive 50percent off all fees bymentioning this publication any time through the
endof the year (12/31/16) — some exotic animal restrictionsmay apply.
Formore information, call TheSeattleAnimal Shelter at
206.386.PETS (7387)
, or viewanimals available for adoption
online at
contact Regional Animal Servicesof
KingCounty at
or visit
Createanemergencyplan for your pet
Know your evacuationplan.Make sure to have an
emergency kit for your pet ready that includes food, water
andwater bowls, pet carrier, first aid, petmedicine, leash,
blanket and a toy. In thedisaster kit, put a list of places
withphone numbers onwhere your pets couldgo if you are
not available. In case of adisaster, petswill be frightened
and confused, sobe sure togive them lots of comfort.
Dexter inhiswoodenplay box
Bring this publication
to The Seattle Animal
Shelter or to Regional
Animal Services of King
County to Receive 50% off!
(Deadline: 12/31/16)
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