PlannedParenthoodExploringPuberty_03-23-14_Tab - page 6

Most people feel the same on the inside
(their gender identity) as their body looks on
the outside. In other words, most people with
vaginas feel like girls and most people with
penises feel like boys. Puberty is a common
time to think about how you feel about being
a boy or a girl and what kind of man or woman
you want to be when you grow up.
Sometimes, how a person feels about being
a boy or a girl on the inside doesn’t match
what their body looks like on the outside. This
happens more often than you might think. It’s
important to talk with a parent or trusted adult
if you have questions about your gender.
Thinking about Gender
What are the first five words that come to mind when you
think of the word, “boy?” What are the first five words
that come to mind when you think of the word, “girl?”
We have been trained to think about boys and girls
in certain ways – how they look, dress, play and the
activities they can and can’t do.
These are called gender roles
or gender stereotypes.
These gender roles
influence us, no
matter who we are.
It is important
for you to start
thinking about
these and
forming your
own opinions
about who
you are and
who you
want to be.
Positive Body Image Calendar Cutout
Toward a
More Positive
Body Image!
Day #1
Day #4
Day #7
Day #3
Day #6
Day #2
Day #5
Take a
short walk with
a friend, dog, or
trusted adult.
Write down
three things you
love about your
Write down
three things
you love about
your body.
Ask a trusted
adult, “What do
you like best
about yourself?”
Smile at three
people at school
that you don’t
normally talk to.
in the mirror
and smile.
Spend 30 seconds
looking in the mirror
and think of all the
amazing things your
body can do for you.
When will I
go through puberty?
Many people are really concerned about
when they are going to start puberty. Puberty
starts and ends at different times for everyone.
Maybe you have already gone through puberty,
maybe you are going through it right now or
maybe you have not started. Whenever
you go through puberty is the
right time for you.
What are three
things you are
good at?
What do you
think other people
like about me?
your own
Use magazines to
cut out images and
words to create
a collage that
represents you!
Consider including
activities you like to
do, dreams that you
have, your strengths
and words that
describe you.
Remember that
we are all special
and unique, and it
is important to
respect everyone
for who they are.
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