HealthRocksMusculskeletal_02-09-14_Tab - page 8

X-rays and MRIs offer a closer look
X-ray is another term for electromag-
netic radiation. This is a way to produce
images of your body, especially your
bones, by using electromagnetic beams.
Because your bones absorb rays, while
your skin and muscle allow rays to pass
through them, we are able to see bones
projected in white with the skin and
muscle in gray and black.
An X-ray is the simplest method for
producing an image of bones. In the case
of a bone and joint injury such as a knee
injury, an MRI (magnetic resonance
image) might be taken. An MRI can
capture an image of your body by using
a scanner instead of an X-ray. MRIs can
reveal more subtle tears or fractures
than X-rays.
Make a
model of a bone
Use a cardboard paper-towel or
toilet-paper tube as the
periosteum and compact bone.
Line the tube with a thin layer
of sponge to represent the
cancellous bone. INside the sponge
layer, insert small pom poms
or cotton balls to represent
the marrow.
How to prevent
sore muscles
Let’s say you played an intense game of basketball, and now
your leg muscles are aching. Applying an ice pack to a sore
muscle for a short period of time can help to ease the pain.
However, it’s recommended that you do all you can to prevent
muscle strains in the first place. The best method is to warm up
before physical activity and stretch your muscles afterward.
Below are a few easy stretches for your leg muscles; be sure
to stretch both sides for balance.
Your quadriceps are the muscles at the front of your thighs.
For a simple quad stretch, stand on one leg with your hand on
a wall or chair for support. Bend your other knee and pull your
foot behind you, as close to your bottom as possible. Hold
the position for a gentle stretch.
Your hamstrings are the muscles at the back of your calf. You
can do several easy hamstring stretches while sitting on the floor.
First, stretch your legs out straight and bend over them as far as you can
without straining the backs of your knees (keep them slightly bent).
Another easy stretch: Extend one leg across the floor and bend the other
so that your knee points to the side and the bottom of your foot
meets your inner thigh. Then
bend over your
extended leg.
Career options
There are several careers in the health and medical field related to
the musculoskeletal system. Doctors such as orthopedic surgeons
probably come to mind, but health-care professionals such
as massage therapists also apply their knowledge of bones,
joints, and muscles to provide treatment.
Many jobs in the field of dentistry study bones and muscles
around the face and neck. Interested in X-rays? Radiog-
raphers and radiologists operate X-ray equipment and
interpret the films. Physical therapists, occupational
therapists, rehabilitation therapists and chiropractors use
their understanding of this complex body system in treat-
ing patients. If you like animals, consider studying bones,
joints and muscles in the field of veterinary science.
Your illiotibial (IT) band runs from the outside
of your hip to your knee. To stretch this muscle,
stand with your ankles crossed. Then lean with your
arm raised to the side of the ankle in back. You
should feel the stretch along the front hip.
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