Since Time Immemorial - page 3

1. What makes tribal homelands different
from your own community, town, or city?
2. Treaties are the most important, or
, law of the land,
according to the U.S. Constitution.
3. Tribes are guaranteed ,
, or the ability to make their
own laws, for their own governments, and
practice their own traditions and lifeways.
4. Tribes gave up a lot of their homelands
so that non-Indians could live here, too.
Now, most tribal homelands are on
5. Tribes believe they were created here and
have been here since the beginning of
time, or since ,
6. When tribes agreed to move to smaller
reservations, they (circle one) kept/gave
up their rights to hunt, fish, and gather
on traditional hunting, fishing and
gathering grounds that were off their
7. List the tribe(s) that live in your area:
8. True or False:
The United States deals with tribes
in Washington state much like they
do with any foreign country.
today’s tribal people the ability
to continue their lifeways, or
to live the way they want to.
This might seem much like
how your family lives in your
own community, but there is
an important difference. Since
tribal people believe that The
Creator (who many people
call God) gave them this land
to live on, they also believe
that The Creator’s gift comes
with their sacred promise and
responsibility to take care of the
land, its resources, and all its
creatures. Some plateau tribes,
like the Umatilla, call this their
covenant with The Creator.
While tribes may call this sacred
responsibility and trust different
things, the belief is the same:
Tribes need to make sure that
their natural resources are not
just here for them today, but for
their great- great- great- great
grandchildren, too. That means
tribal people are looking 140 or
more years into the future when
making decisions on how to
care for their people and their
homelands today!
But just like not all Canadians
live in Canada, and not all
Chinese live in China, there are
many tribal people who choose
to live off their reservations.
For example, living in the large
cities of Spokane and Seattle are
many tribal people from many
different tribes. In fact, Seattle
has the largest population of
Indian people in the state! Tribal
people who live in big cities work
to create their own communities
to keep their traditions alive, just
like the many Asian and Pacific
Islanders who live in Seattle’s
International District.
The tribal nations themselves
also have their own museums
and organizations to educate
everyone--Indians and non-
Indians-- about their traditions,
governments and hopes for their
futures. Find the tribes in your
area and discover their history,
traditions, and how their tribal
sovereignty affects everyone in
Washington state... even you!
Answers are available at
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